Academic and Non-Academic Policies


All Saints University College of Medicine St. Vincent and the Grenadines values and prioritizes the health of all students, faculty, staff, and patients who receive healthcare from our clinical faculty and students.  Medical students are at risk of exposure to infectious diseases in the course of their clinical work.  As such, certain tests and immunizations are required of all students prior to matriculation into the program and before starting their clinical clerkship.  

All students entering the Doctor of Medicine degree program are required to complete a Student Health History form and provide documentation of all required immunizations and a physical examination by a Healthcare Professional prior to matriculation and prior to clinical clerkship. The form must be signed by a healthcare provider and returned to the Office of Admissions prior to matriculation.   

Students will not be allowed to register or participate in any clinical activities until the Health History and Immunization forms are completed and on file.  Students re-enrolling after one year of attendance lapse or students who are re-admitted into the program are required to submit updated medical history, physical examination, and immunization records.

CLICK HERE to review all immunization requirements.

CLICK HERE  to review the COVID-19 vaccination protocol.


All Saints University College of Medicine will recognise and accept course credits for the Doctor of Medicine degree program courses that has been completed within a six (6) years period of their medical education time.   This time period does not include any approved Leave of Absence granted to students.  Persons who are re-applying after an extensive period of absence from the medical program, will have to retake courses that has been completed more than six years ago. For extenuating or special circumstances a petition to the Dean may be submitted for review.  


Students are asked to be guided accordingly by the policy given below.    

Any student who has been inactive for more than one academic year (3 semesters) without the approval of a Leave of Absence will be considered Administratively withdrawn from the University.   If at any time the student wishes to resume their studies, they must re-apply to the program through the Admissions Office and will be subject to all current policies at the time of re-application.  Re-admission to the program is not guaranteed.  

Any enrolled student who has been absent from the academic program for more than 30 consecutive calendar days and less than one academic year (3 semesters) without an approved Leave of Absence will be Administratively withdrawn from the Program.   If the student wishes to resume their studies, they must petition the Academic Promotions Committee to be re-instated into their program of study.   

If you are currently inactive and wish to complete your medical education at ASUSVG, please contact the Office of Student Affairs or Office of the Registrar for further guidance.    


Students who are on a Leave of Absence or inactive have a maximum of three (3) semesters or one academic year to re-enroll back onto their program of study.  Failure to re-enter your program during this time will result in a loss of your student status at the University.



Students who were previously enrolled at All Saints University Saint Vincent but have not completed their degree program and has been inactive or withdrawn for more than three (3) academic semesters, must apply for re-admission to return to the program.   Readmission is not guaranteed or automatic. Each application will be evaluated and assessed based on current admissions criteria and guidelines. All previous terms and agreements, including any scholarships, are terminated when a student is de-registered from the program for any reason.  All students are held to the admissions regulations and requirements in effect at the time of their return. 

Admission:  Being accepted into a program or being offered a position to pursue a course or program of study in the University. 

Re-Admission: This is the process whereby previously enrolled students at the University who have been withdrawn (administratively or otherwise), dismissed or inactive status for more than one academic year (3 semesters) must apply for readmission to the University.  



Effective September 2020, former All Saints University College of Medicine Saint Vincent students who meet the following criteria, and wish to be re-admitted to the University, must apply to the Office of Admissions for consideration for re-admission into the program: 

  • If you are not registered or enrolled in the program for three or more academic semesters. 
  • If you have officially withdrew from the University.   
  • If you have been academically or administratively dismissed. Students who have been permanently dismissed or expelled are not eligible to apply for re-admission.  Their application will not be considered. Students who were administratively or academically dismissed in the following category below, may be eligible for consideration for re-admission to the program.   
  • Academic Dismissal 
  • Failure to maintain good academic standing. 
  • Failure to maintain the minimum GPA for their program of study. 
  • Failure to successfully complete a course on the 3rd attempt or entire semester on the 2nd attempt. 
  • Exceeding the given time limit (6 years) to complete the program of study. 
  • Administrative Dismissal 
  • Failure to pay tuition fee. 
  • Consideration will be given if the student is able to demonstrate sufficient improvement in their academic performance and strengthen their candidacy application for return to their program.   
  • Students who can settle their financial accounts within 3 academic semesters will be allowed to re-enroll back into their program of study.  Students who have exceeded more than 3 academic semesters will be required to re-apply, settle any outstanding financial balances and meet the degree requirements in effect at the time of re-enrollment.  
  • If you have taken a Leave of Absence for three or more semesters and did not return to the program at the end of the Leave of Absence. (Such students will be administratively withdrawn after 30 days after LOA return date). 
  • If a first semester student withdraws or leaves their program of study before completing their first semester, the student will have to apply for re-admission to the program.  (This does not apply to students who have requested a deferral for acceptable reasons) 


Students who fall into the following categories will NOT be considered for readmission to the University.  The following offences when committed by a student on university property or at university events off campus or when the offence is against university staff, fellow students and university guests are of a nature that warrants permanent dismissal from the university. 

  • Attempt or commit an act of discrimination, sexual harassment/assault, physical and domestic violence, hazing, and/or stalking.  
  • Destruction, damage, tampering or theft of personal or university property.  
  • Involved in arson, vandalism, computer/network/technology tampering and destruction, burglary, larceny, breaking and entering, robbery or embezzlement.  
  • Alteration, forgery, or misuse of university documents and/or records. 
  • Providing false documents to the university with the intent to deceive. 
  • Violation of the following policies 
  • Academic integrity and regulations.  
  • Student rights and responsibilities 
  • Alcohol and Drug Use Policy 
  • Student Honor Code 
  • Disorderly conduct of aggravated degree, threatening behavior towards employees, students, or guests of the institution. 
  • Disorderly conduct that damages or tarnish the reputation of the institution.  

Re-Admission for Academic and Administrative Dismissal  

  • Academically and administratively dismissed students seeking to return to the University within 2 years of dismissal must submit a letter of appeal requesting re-instatement and submit their request to the Academic Promotions Committee through the Office of the Registrar.  Student must also submit official transcripts of any institution attended after dismissal from All Saints University St. Vincent.  
  • Students seeking to return after 2 years of academic or administrative dismissal from the University must apply for Re-admission directly to the Office of Admissions.  
  • Admissions to the program is not guaranteed.  


 Click HERE to view the Re-Admission Process 


Enrollment:  This is registering for a course in a program after admission to the program has already been granted and all admissions criteria/requirement has been fulfilled.  

Re-enrollment: Any student who has been withdrawn from a course or who interrupts their program of study must apply for re-enrollment upon returning to the program.   


The following list of student categories are eligible to re-enroll in their program of study: 

  • Students returning from an approved Leave of Absence.  
  • Students whose studies were deferred to the following semester can enroll for the upcoming semester if they are in good financial standing or receives clearance from the Accounts Department (payment plan applied).  
  • Students whose studies was interrupted due to family emergency, medical reasons, and financial hardship.  



Click HERE to view the Re-Enrollment Process 


If a student withdraws from the University and wishes to return to the University before the end of one year or 3 semesters, the student can appeal to the Academic Promotions Committee for re-instatement/re-enrollment to their program. The student is required to submit a letter of Appeal to the Chair of the Academic Promotions Committee, pleading their case.   The Committee will examine the circumstances surrounding the student’s withdrawal, the letter of appeal, the resolutions made since the time of withdrawal, the reason for return and the conditions for return.   The student may be requested to appear before the Academic Promotions Committee to plead their case.  



The following guideline is to be used in the placement of returning students into the MD Program: 

  • The Registrar’s Department will conduct a thorough screen of all courses and clerkships completed, and grades obtained during their period of enrollment.  
  • Contact the Accounts Department to check the student’s financial standing.  
  • Students must settle all outstanding fees owing to the University prior to returning to the program.  
  • Student must be able to make tuition payment in full by the deadline issued by the Accounts Department. 
  • Alternatively, students can appeal to the Accounts Department for a payment plan to meet their financial obligations.  
  • Students returning to the MD 1-4 semesters must complete all courses before progressing to the next higher semester.  The Registrar’s Department will register students for courses according to policy.  
  • Courses must be completed in the appropriate semester and all pre-requisites must be completed.   
  • Students will be allowed to complete a maximum of 3 courses from 2 different semesters, provided all pre-requisites have been completed and there is no clash in the lecture schedule.  
  • All returning students who have been inactive for more than one year or 3 semesters, must retake the MD5 semester and sit for the CBSE NBME and obtain a passing score of 200 / Basic Sciences Exit Exam score of 70% before proceeding to the Clinical Clerkships.  
  • Clinical students who have completed CORE and elective or only elective clerkships in the past, must complete the CBSE NBME and proceed to complete or begin the CORE rotations before moving on to elective rotations.